Secrets of the Brotherhood and Houthi military movements towards the south

Rashad Al-Alemi" rearranges the Yemen Brotherhood Forces in Marib and Hadramawt with a regional green light

It seems that Al-Alemi is rearranging the ranks of the Brotherhood in Marib and Hadramawt, with emphasis on the partnership of the General People's Congress, which has become divided against itself in more than one current, as a part of the party has become loyal to the Houthis, the other follows the policy and agenda of the Brotherhood, and another part has become the weakest link.

Head of the Yemeni Interim Presidential Leadership Council, Rashad Al-Alimi, and formations of the Muslim Brotherhood in Yemen in Marib - archive

editorial team
The editorial team of the alyoum8th newspaper

On January 30, 2023, the chairman of the interim Leadership Council Rashad Al-Alemi, issued a decision upon his arrival from Riyadh to Aden, ordered the formation of the national Shield forces, funded by Saudi Arabia, as parallel forces to the forces of the southern Transitional Council, in the first move that showed division in the ranks of the presential Leadership Council, it was clear violation of the transfer of power, which provided for consultation in decision-making between the Speaker and his deputies. 

Al-Alemi's decision was widely welcomed by northern Yemenis, who considered these forces as alternative forces to the Southern Transitional Council forces, Meanwhile, Lieutenant General Saghir bin Aziz, Chief of Staff and close to Al-Alemi, went on to claim that the National Shield Forces are an integral part of the Yemeni armed forces under the decision of the Chairman of the Presidential Command Council, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces (Rashad Al-Alemi), according to the references and the announcement of the transfer of power, and these forces will be a strong leader in what he described as a holy war against the Houthi terrorist group organization supported by the evil head of Iran.

Such a decision clearly supported by Saudi Arabia, A starting point for Rashad Al-Alemi to be alone in the Presidential Leadership Council, to issue a number of decisions, some of which were rejected by the Southern Transitional Council, Al-Alemi has given his friend Saghir Ben Aziz freedom of action on the ground to rearrange the regionally backed Muslim Brotherhood forces.

Saghir bin Aziz's moves, accompanied by Saudi military commanders, raised questions about Riyadh's future role in the south.

On April 28, 2023, Chief of Staff Saghir bin Aziz stated: "The decision of Rashad Al-Alemi, Chairman of the Presidential Leadership Council, Supreme Commander, came in the context of his efforts to unify the various formations of our armed forces under the command of the Ministry of Defense within the framework of achieving the strategic goals of the people of Yemen, foremost of which is the restoration of the state and the end of the coup peacefully or war."

On the fourth of last May, bin Aziz visited Shabwa governorate, and met with Governor Awadh bin Muhammad al-Wazir, bin Aziz claimed that he discussed with bin al-Wazir the issue of stabilizing all areas (the liberated south) and raising combat readiness from high to full.

The next day, bin Aziz visited the coast of Hadramawt and met with Governor Mabkhout bin Madi, in the presence of Muslim Brotherhood military and security leaders, and Saudi military leaders accompanying bin Aziz from Aden to Mukalla."

On the sixth of last May, bin Aziz visited the occupied city of Seiyun, said in a post on Twitter that he met with the leaders of the First Military Region led by Major General Saleh Taimes in the presence of the Governor of Hadramawt, the First Undersecretary of the Ministry of Interior and the Commander of Support and Support in the Arab Coalition, "I convey to them the greetings of the Chairman of the Presidential Leadership Council and discuss with them the region's plans to raise readiness, rehabilitation and training."

From Seiyun, bin Aziz returned to Shabwa, but went towards Muslim Brotherhood forces, which are stationed in Shabwa's Areen area.

Bin Aziz said that he visited with the commander of support and support the military and security units from the Ataq axis who are in the Areen camp, and discussed the need to unify capabilities in the face of the Houthi terrorist group under the command of the Ataq axis and the command of the third military region in Marib.

In order for the Houthis not to understand that the movements are directed at them, bin Aziz wrote on Twitter a message indicating that their hands are extended for peace on the basis of the three references, despite the intransigence of the Houthi group and our realization that they are not worthy of peace."

Bin Aziz said, "The Houthi terrorist group organization is working to re-ignore, mislead and charlatanize the Yemeni people"…

Lieutenant General bin Aziz did not forget to send messages to the Southern Transitional Council, through the gate of Yemeni unity, where he said that re-achieving Yemeni unity is not for politicians or those with partisan, sectarian or regional interests, unity is the unity of a people who struggled to restore it for decades.

In conjunction with the movements, Rashad Al-Elaimy issued a decision to appoint one of the most prominent leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood in Marib, and the decision included the appointment of "Ali Mohsen Al-Huda" as assistant head of the Military Operations Authority, before Marib witnessed large military parades.

Yemeni Brotherhood leaders celebrated the appointment, with al-Qaeda wanted by al-Qaeda leader Hassan Abkar describing him as a well-deserved man.

These moves come at a time when press reports indicate a crisis of confidence within the Yemeni Presidential Council, especially after the visit of Rashad Al-Alemi to Hadramawt governorate, a visit that Saudi politicians interpreted as coming to prevent the Southern Transitional Council from going towards the second independence of the Republic of South Yemen.

But it seems that Al -Alemi is rearranging the ranks of the Brotherhood in Marib and Hadramawt, while emphasizing the partnership of the General People's Congress, which has become divided against itself in more than one current, as part of the party has become loyal to the Houthis, the other follows the policy and agenda of the Brotherhood, and another part has become the weakest link.

Press reports said that a rift between the forces represented within the legitimate Yemeni authority reflected on the performance of the Presidential Council, amid speculation that the convening of this council could break up if the current situation continues.

Bin Sadda said in a call with the Russian agency "Sputnik", "This visit comes in light of the recent developments represented in the crisis of escalating loss of confidence between the parties of the Presidential Leadership Council, and the escalatory steps by the Chairman of the Presidential Leadership Council, Rashad Al-Alemi, in his visit to Hadramawt, and the insistence on unilateral decisions, which is a violation of the agreement on the transfer of powers that took place in April 2022."

The southern leader pointed out that "the crisis of confidence that is taking place threatens the cohesion and survival of the Presidential Council, in addition to the overwhelming popular anger in the cities of the south due to the inaction and inability of the government side to find remedies to alleviate the humanitarian crisis there, which may lead to the dismissal of Prime Minister Moeen Abdul Malik, and the arrival of an alternative consensus figure, Standing on the threats and military escalation by the Houthi group, and the intransigence they showed by rejecting the Saudi initiative and mediation to engage in the peace process, As well as coordination and strengthening partnership to build capacity and support the efforts made by the forces affiliated with the Southern Transitional Council in the field of combating terrorism and other files related to the Yemeni crisis.

On the political objectives of these visits, Bin Sadda explained, "The aim of this visit was to re-place the Yemeni crisis file among the priorities of the international community and to consider the paths of the upcoming settlement and the negotiating framework for the issue of the people of the south, According to the data and the reality on the ground, this is in addition to the discussions that took place on the economic situation in Aden and the rest of the governorates, stressing the need to separate the services file from the political track, and urging the official British side and organizations to intervene to alleviate the impact of the crisis on our people.

Since August 2019, STC forces have controlled the city of Aden, which is declared the temporary capital of Yemen, and on November 5, 2019, the Yemeni government and the STC signed a Saudi-mediated reconciliation agreement that led to the formation of a new government in which the STC participates in five portfolios. This government has failed to manage the economic and social situation in the southern areas liberated from the Houthi presence.