"The presidential leadership describes the operation as a 'deep stab'…

The assassination of the head of the "world food" team in Yemen… The united nations suspend programs in Taiz

The UN official fought a soldier in a military formation affiliated with the Brotherhood called "Ahmed Youssef Al-Sara", he has a relationship with a Brotherhood leader involved in terrorist attacks that hit the capital Aden during the past three years.

It is noteworthy that this is the second international official to be assassinated in Taiz since April 2018, A Lebanese Red Cross employee was shot dead by unidentified gunmen in the Al-Dabab

Maria Hashem
Southern media and political activist - writes under her own pseudonym

 Assassinated gunmen believed to be from Al-Qaeda and ISIS, Head of the World Food program (WFP) team in Taiz, While the United Nations announced the suspension of all its programs in the city of Taiz, it prevented UN officials from traveling from the capital Aden to the town of al-Turbah, where the assassination took place on Friday afternoon.

Media and eyewitnesses said that a gunman wearing the uniform of armed groups in the city of Taiz, Shot at Jordanian Moayed, head of the UN World Food program (WFP) team in Taiz governorate, south of Sana'a.

The Minister of Health in the Yemeni Presidential Leadership Council described the assassination of Hamidi as "a criminal and vicious attack on one of the humanitarian staff of the WFP (World Food Program) in the town of Al-Turbah (in) Taiz," Jordanian citizen Moayed Hamidi.

The Saudi-owned Al-Arabiya channel said gunmen on a motorcycle fired a barrage of bullets at the head of the World Food program (WFP) team, Moayed Hamidi, in the town of al-Turbah, killing him as soon as he left a restaurant after eating lunch.


Sources in the Ministry of Interior for (The Eighth Day): #Taiz police recognize the name of the killer of the UN official in the town of Al-Turbah in Taiz, He is a soldier in a military formation affiliated with the Brotherhood, named "Ahmed Youssef Al-Sara", who has a close relationship with a Brotherhood leader involved in terrorist attacks that hit #capital #Aden #Al-Youm Al-Thamen #alyoum8th

The channel, which broadcasts from Riyadh, confirmed that the assassination took place close to the security department of Al-Shamaitin, Hamid was taken to Khalifa Hospital in al-Turbah.

Moayed Hamidi, who holds a Jordanian passport, arrived in the city a few days ago to begin exercising his duties as head of the program in the city.

Sources in the Ministry of Interior said to (Al-Youm Al-Thamen): The #Taiz police identified the name of the killer of the UN official in the town of Al-Turbah in Taiz, He is a soldier in a military formation affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood, called "Ahmed Youssef Al-Surra", He has a close relationship with a Brotherhood leader involved in terrorist attacks that hit the capital Aden over the past three years.

According to a circular issued by the Ministry of Interior, Al-Surra is involved in the liquidation of soldiers from the army forces in Taiz, He was released more than once with the intervention of Brotherhood leaders, most recently, in August, Brotherhood leaders released al-Surra, who confessed to killing 15 army soldiers in the city of Taiz, according to Yemeni news websites.

The head of the Presidential Leadership Council, Rashad al-Alimi, directed the prosecution of the elements involved in the assassination of the UN employee and the wounding of others in Al-Turbah.

He contacted the Governor of Taiz Governorate, who briefed him on preliminary information indicating the identification of the perpetrators of the attack and the measures taken to prosecute the perpetrators.

Sultan al-Barakani, the outgoing speaker of the leadership council parliament, described the terrorist attack as "a deep stab in the heart directed by hands that are addicted to harm to Yemen, which has not recovered from successive stab wounds with various arrows".

He added, "The world has barely responded to Yemen's humanitarian tragedy and started the first steps to present Taiz as a model for Yemen's exit from its plight to decide that it will be a model UN forum for development efforts, So the simple and the disadvantaged are glad, However, bandits and terrorist gangs refuse to practice the hobby of blood and destruction by attacking a UN employee who is a citizen of sisterly Jordan, which did not hesitate to support Yemen's authority and people through initiatives that I do not find much room to enumerate."

A deep stab in the heart directed by hands addicted to harm to Yemen, which has not recovered from successive stab wounds with various arrows.

The world barely responded to Yemen's humanitarian tragedy and began the first steps to present Taiz as a model for Yemen's exit from its ordeal to decide that it would be a model UN forum for development efforts… The simple people are hopeful...

"An attack that not only shed the blood of the Jordanian citizen in Al-Turbah… But the blood of every Yemeni who feels disappointed, embarrassed and sad for this Jordanian citizen who came to us carrying the wheat and rice tree… The criminals did not reciprocate the same.  Our condolences to the King, the Government and the people of Jordan and to the family of the martyr with feelings of sorrow and sadness.  Nor did the eyes of cowards sleep."

It is noteworthy that this is the second international official to be assassinated in Taiz since April 2018, A Lebanese Red Cross employee was shot dead by unidentified gunmen in the Al-Dabab area at the southwestern entrance to Taiz city.

Political expert and analyst Saeed Bakran said that the assassination of a UN official in the World Food Program is a painful and unfortunate incident that we extend our condolences to his family and to the beloved Jordanian people and leadership… He stressed that "this is a crime against humanity and against international organizations, and confirms once again that the Yemeni province of Taiz is living in a state of lawlessness, In light of the domination of the Muslim Brotherhood, this terrorist organization that assassinates and sheds blood in this province silently without media attention because it has a huge scientific machine that magnifies natural events and accidents in the governorates that are not under the control of the Brotherhood while covering up the major crimes that occur in Taiz against citizens."

International humanitarian organizations have suspended their work in #Taiz province after the assassination of World Food Program official Moayed Hamidi, a Jordanian national, on Friday afternoon in the Turbah area by armed elements, sources working in the # United Nationsmission said.

Bakran added in an exclusive interview with the newspaper Al-Youm Al-Eighth, "Today, the world mourned this crime, unfortunately, this treacherous and cowardly terrorist operation, the head of the Yemeni Presidential Leadership Council and the condolence leaders are responsible for what happened, At the head of these leaders, Maeen Abdul Malik, who deceived international organizations and pushed them to Taiz province without warning about the severe risks that UN officials could pose, because this governorate first needs to control the security situation and take it away from terrorist organizations."

Bakran pointed out that the area where this UN employee was liquidated and assassinated is under the control of Amjad Khaled, who has long warned southerners and the STC of the danger of this terrorist element and the danger of the elements that follow him and their affiliation with terrorist organizations and those who were exported and turned the soil area into a springboard for exporting terrorism to the capital Aden, what happened is the fruit of ignoring all warnings."

"Taiz must be cleansed of the terrorist group," he said, the land must be cleansed of all violent groups, and to impose the control of forces free from suspicions of belonging to terrorist organizations, unless such incidents will be repeated in Taiz and in every area that is still dealing with terrorist groups, this is misleading the international community, misleading the world, covering up terrorism and calling it by other names."

The Southern Transitional Council (STC) condemned in the strongest terms the cowardly terrorist operation that targeted the staff of the United Nations World Food Program (WFP) in the Al-Turbah area of Taiz province this afternoon, killing the director of the program, Moayed Hamidi, and wounding others, according to a statement issued by official spokesman Ali Al-Kathiri.

"The Southern Transitional Council stresses that such criminal acts, which target the noblest and highest humanitarian work and its United Nations teams, are based only on an extremist terrorist ideology that has already been warned against and with an explicit reference to its hideouts and rooms of administration and control," al-Kathiri said.

"The gravity of this heinous crime requires all parties to take urgent and rapid measures and measures leading to the arrest of the perpetrators and those behind them, the elimination of the shelters of these terrorist elements and the cutting of their intellectual and material supply arteries," he said.

"As we condemn this heinous terrorist crime, we express our sincere condolences and sympathy to the family of the UN employee and the families of his colleagues who were injured in the terrorist attack," al-Kathiri concluded.