"Moeen Abdulmalik" drains the resources of the South with a regional green light.
Aden Governor Talks About Government Measures and Sends A message to Interim Yemeni President
Moeen Abdulmalik and Ahmed Hamed Lamlas - Archives
Southern sources said that Moeen Abdul Malik al-Sabri, Head of the parity government, Deplete the resources of the South with another light from a regional state whose ambassador works to manage the liberated cities of the South, Before he visited Sana'a in search of a fragile peace that establishes a new phase of political projects, While the Governor of the capital Aden Chairman of the council sent a message to the presidential Leadership council, Through it, he expressed the reasons that prompted him to stop supplying the capital's resources to the Central Bank.
Despite the mounting southern rejection, the ambassador of a regional country supports the survival of Moeen Abdul Malik as head of government despite the assertion that he is involved in cases of corruption and manipulation of regional deposits and the support provided by some regional and international organizations.
Ahmed Hamed Lamlas, governor of the capital Aden, described the local authority's decision to stop supplying revenues to the central bank as a responsibility and a humanitarian and moral duty, rejecting the torture of the people of Aden.
He said that the authority and the local community in the capital Aden, as much as they are keen on institutional work and the application of the system, reject the practices and methods that lead to the continuation of the situation of Aden electricity as it is, as it is the simplest right and demand of the citizen.
He pointed out that the measure followed by the local authority in the capital Aden to prevent the supply of revenues to the central bank is not a political measure, but rather an expression of total rejection of the government's failure to fulfill its obligations to Aden.
He denounced the lack of treatments to secure electricity full and absence of sustainable solutions, stressing that reality imposes a humanitarian and official responsibility and moral and responsible duty to take care of our people and prevent their exposure to crises and disasters in accordance with law and order.
He pointed out that providing services to citizens and carrying out duty is a guarantee and basis for the survival of state agencies and the continuity of institutions, explaining that power anywhere exists to serve the people and not to aggravate and torture them.
He pointed to his repeated calls to neutralize the services file from the political conflict, adding that there are those who still insist on using this file as a pressure tool to achieve their political goals without caring about the suffering of citizens.