
Wide interaction with Southern Earth Day

Saudi politicians say their country has thwarted STC plans

Head of the Interim Yemeni Presidential Leadership Council, Rashad Al-Alimi - Archive


Southern and Arab activists reacted to the hashtag of Southern Land Day, the seventh of July, Which embodies the anniversary of the occupation of the Yemeni regime's alliance between the General People's Congress Party on one side and the Brotherhood and Al-Qaeda on the other, Twenty-nine years ago, Amid assurances of widespread demonstrations taking place in Hadramawt governorate, the largest governorate in the south, to emphasize the progress in restoring the former state, which the Southern Transitional Council has political legitimacy from the declaration of disengagement on May 21, 1994.

Activists launched a hashtag on Twitter to emphasize the commemoration of the occupation, which turned into a national occasion called Southern Land Day, The occasion strengthens the presence of the Southern Transitional Council in Hadramawt Governorate, which Saudi Arabia seeks to control through the gate of the Yemeni Brotherhood, in order to achieve economic projects, the most important of which is the extension of the oil pipeline that limits any threats that Riyadh may be exposed to from its opponent Tehran.

Maj. Gen. Faraj al-Bahsani, a member of the Presidential Leadership Council, said that exploiting national events politically is very important, referring to the southern celebrations of Southern Land Day on the seventh of July.

Major General Al-Bahsani wrote, in a tweet on his official Twitter account on Thursday evening, "Exploiting national events to express opinions and deliver political messages to the inside and outside world is extremely important." He stressed that "the will of the people and their future destiny will only be determined by men in the fields."

Al-Bahsani's tweet came on the eve of the seventh of July, the twenty-ninth anniversary of the invasion of the south by Yemeni Arab in 1994.

Saudi Arabia has established a political bloc for the Yemeni Brotherhood aimed at competing with the Southern Transitional Council over Hadramawt Governorate, this prompted some Saudi politicians to consider the establishment of this political entity as a Saudi step to prevent what they called the division of Yemen, in reference to the return of the former state of South Yemen.

Saudi politician Dr. Abdul Hafeez Mahboub, Professor of Economic and Political Geography at um Al-Qura University, said that Saudi Arabia led the decisive storm for Yemen and the implementation of the outcomes of the national dialogue, which Yemeni society agreed on six regions, each region has a self-administration and a parliament within a federal government, "A Hadrami political council is working under Saudi auspices in this context in order for the Houthis to sit down with the legitimate government to implement these outcomes."

He pointed out in a post on Twitter that "the crisis of Yemen in the tactical alliance between the trio of Houthis, Afash and the Muslim Brotherhood reform in order to reach power and when they reach it, they get rid of each other, just++ as the Houthis got rid of Ali Abdullah Saleh, the STC wanted to invest this conflict and demand separation, but Saudi Arabia was on the lookout for him through the formation of the Hadrami Council."

The Saudi politician attacked the southerners, saying: "Saudi Arabia thwarted your plans to divide Yemen, and you are arguing about Islah (Brotherhood) while the Hadrami political Council is national and will apply this model and pressure the Houthis to appear for political solutions, there is no other option or options and Saudi Arabia will not fight it on your behalf if the Houthis refuse, but you Yemenis will fight it if you want the state."

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